不清楚你这里的“清醒”具体指什么, 保持头脑清醒用keep sober 或者keep a level head 保持神志清醒 用keep conscious
1. “You are my ignorant and clear love 你是我你是我懵懵懂懂清楚明白的喜欢”
2. “Life is short, why not try 人生苦短,何妨一试”
3. “You are the only one,you are special 你就一个,你很特别”
4. “What is the honor, it's the that meets you. 什么是荣誉,是遇见你的人。”
5. “Buy yourself flowers to grow up with you 给自己买花 陪自己长大”
6. “The wind and the moon of the world 人间风月,浅尝辄止”
7. “Better late than never 只要开始,虽晚不迟。”
8. “The world is sweet because of you 世界很甜因为有你”
9. “You're my within sight but beyond reach. 你在我的视线之内,却遥不可及。”
10. “We will go ashore at last,in the sunshine 我们终将上岸,阳光万里。”
11. “Slowly become what you want 慢慢变成你想要的样子”
12. “The future is bright and promising. 未来是光明而充满希望的。”
13. “Everything can be expected in the future 一切皆有望,一切皆可期”
14. “Your name is the shortest love poem 你的名字是我见过最短的情诗”
15. “you firm me,l walk to you 你坚定我 我走向你.”
16. “If you are safe, then don't worry 你若安好,那便放心”
17. “We worked hard and met at the top 我们各自努力 然后顶峰相见”
You can see the beauty of the world.
Different scenery, have different wonderful
For the rest of my life, I would like to live in a lotus pond with beautiful scenery and beautiful people. You must be drunk.
The world that stops is only the scenery, and the scenery that goes forward is called the world.
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