
二、求 facing the giants 的全部台词
Soundtrack: Facing The Giants
Title: Completely (Ana Laura)
The secret of life is letting go
the secret of love is letting it show
in all that I do
in all that I say
right here in this moment
the power of prayer is in a humble cry
the power of change is in giving my life
and laying it down
down at your feet
right here in this moment
take my heart
take my soul
I surrender everything to your control
and let all that is with in me lift up to you and say
I am yours and yours alone
This journey of life is a search for truth
this journey of faith is following you
every step of the way
through the joy and the pain right here in this moment
Vamp: right here, right now, and for the rest of my life
Hear me say
I am yours and yours alone
Back to the Facing The Giants Soundtrack
Why do we fall?...So that we can learn to pick ourselves up...
2.-: It's not who you are underneath...but what you do that defines you...
It's not the underneath but what I do that defines me
There's nothing to fear but fear himself.
It's not who I am underneath, but what I do, that defines me.”
Does it come in black?.! ----Batman Begins
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